WHERE IS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA GOING? Questions you should ask yourself before you vote.

Old school values of honor thy Father and Mother; work ethic; honor our country; Boy Scouts; Girl Scouts; honesty; moral values; and family values have gone the way of socialistic trends. Yes, I am old school and glad I don’t have children in a school system that has rewritten history books and deleted history so now young people don’t have a clue to what actually happened in our own country. How did we get here and why? I am not a conspiracy nut, but I do remember a phrase I heard some fifty years ago: “We can’t expect the American … Continue reading WHERE IS THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA GOING? Questions you should ask yourself before you vote.

Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Dedicated to all the doctors who mis-diagnose Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) as an infection. We are midway through breast cancer month, and since starting my blog I realized I’ve never written during this month. I think I now know why.  It angers me that only during this one month does the media do stories on this disease.  Sadly, more often than not, the stories on Inflammatory Breast cancer either don’t go far enough to ‘really’ help people understand this devastating disease, but in too many cases they get the facts wrong.  SO, I will list the symptoms and pray it … Continue reading Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Today in our history, 1/21/2017

Born and bred in America and can date back to my Mother’s ancestors who came here in the 1600’s and settled in New Haven CT.  My Father’s ancestors came later, in the 1800’s. The Red/White and Blue had true meaning for those that sought a place of freedom.  They worked their land, taught their children respect for our country and what it stood for, and their children brought forward their own up bringing and taught their children the way they had been raised.  Somewhere along the line in my 71 years in America, family values and morals have been tossed aside, … Continue reading Today in our history, 1/21/2017

My Country Tis of Thee

Over the years many people have asked me “what does ‘Patriotic’ mean to you”, and I have pondered that word as it pertains to me personally. I was raised, you might say, as a boy.  My Dad wanted a boy but he got me, a girl.  He taught me how to fish, shoot a gun, tie boating knots and all the things a boy would learn.  He also told me the stories of his life in the United States Coast Guard, of which he was very proud.  I have gone back in time to see what his life was like … Continue reading My Country Tis of Thee

Happy 4th of July 2015

 This isn’t supposed to be this beautiful until August.  The temp’s in my corner of the Pacific Northwest are supposed to be in the 70’s but 90’s…ugh!  And days of this heat with no rain brings out my Japanese Silk Tree blossoms and their sweet aroma, so I’m not complaining. Even the wild rabbits plop down under the sprinkler in the early morning, to cool off ahead of what (they say) will be a scorcher. Even the beautiful Hummingbirds are bathing in the sprinkler at 5 a.m. Continue reading Happy 4th of July 2015

A New Friend and updates to his progress.

I have many pictures of this beautiful Stellar Jay, and yes, I know it’s the same one.  He has a bald spot on the top of his head where he was either picked on or had a fight with a bigger bird.  Sadly shortly after this picture was taken, he now has a broken foot. He comes to me in the morning and late afternoon.  “I can’t jump up on the suet” he seems to say as he stands below it, after numerous attempts to attach his claws to the steel rungs holding his favorite morsels.  So…..I took it down … Continue reading A New Friend and updates to his progress.

2015, A New Beginning

Have you made your New Years resolution yet? I have. I wondered if I should continue with this blog, but thanks to my friends I made the decision to push forward.  This year will finalize the second book on Inflammatory Breast Cancer, only this time there will be positive stories of people who were told they had little time to live, but are still fighting “the beast”.  (at this writing I am still looking for ‘prizefighters’ who beat the odds and how life has changed for them).  Please share my quest for more stories to show the world IBC doesn’t have … Continue reading 2015, A New Beginning

Answer to ‘Hello World’

Yes, I am commenting on my own post, as I have reached a dilemma with this blog. Do I sign up for another year? Do I keep writing as there are ‘very few’ comments on what I have already written? Is anyone reading this? I know a few people get notifications when I do a new post, and I  do very much appreciate those that actually are following my writing. So I would ask those that do follow me, if you read my ramblings, could I get you to hit the ‘LIKE’ button so I know someone is out there … Continue reading Answer to ‘Hello World’